Thursday, June 2, 2011

This is the Effect of Romantic Music

Music has become a pleasant alternative to channel our expression. No different if welike to listen to romantic music, because it turned out to listen to romantic music can givea positive effect for men.

Romantic music or the theme of love to give spirit to start dating for the singles.

The conclusion is the result of research psychologists Frenchman, Nicolas Gueguenfrom Heriot Watt University, UK.

Gueguen recruited 183 female students aged 18-20 years. He told the students that theywill become part of the research tests. After they had gathered, he said that the researchpartner was late.

They were asked to wait in a room with background sounds of love songs, pop andmusic that in no way romantic. Then, each was asked to test space, where a 20-year-oldmale actor, with an average appearance, has been sat waiting.

Each woman then spent five minutes together with these men to discuss the research.Later, the actor is determined to encourage every woman dating.

As a result, 52 percent of women who had just listened to romantic songs directly givethe number of contacts on the man. Only 28 percent of women who had just listened topop music, which gives the phone number.

The study, published in the Journal Psychology of Music, this romantic musical effect is only seen in women. According to professor of psychology at Heriot Watt University,Adrian North, conducted a study to see the effect on men's romantic music would bemuch more difficult.

"The danger is that if you do the same experiment, all men can simply say 'Yes'," Northsaid as quoted by the Daily Mail.

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